
This guide is designed for PeopleVox Implementation Consultants. We offer an out of the box solution to integrating third parties into PeopleVox and wanted to introduce our PeopleVox integration as we're a bit different!

If you have any questions at all, you can contact us at [email protected]


  1. Setup
  2. Management
  3. Integrations / Sync's
    1. Products
    2. Orders
    3. Despatches
    4. Inventory
    5. Purchase Orders


Customers can set up all the integrations through our website. We are here to support throughout the process, and available on email at [email protected].

As part of the set-up process, they will need to set up a user in PeopleVox that we can use to interact with the Warehouse.

We also provide Integration templates for PeopleVox. These are in the format of CSV files that can be imported into the Integration Templates section of PeopleVox. These templates are also available in the relevant sections below.

It is important these templates are configured in PeopleVox to support both our importing and data subscriptions.

If the customer is looking for other integrations, we can build custom integrations into PeopleVox. The customer can contact us for a custom integration.


As an out of the box integration provider. We enabled customers can manage their integrations in our website.

They can enable and disable Integrations.

They can also control whether Orders or Purchase Orders are synchronised to Test or Primary Sites for example.

Integrations / Sync's

We provide a number of Integrations and sync's into and out of PeopleVox.


We support syncing products from Shopify into PeopleVox. This is done whenever products are created or updated in Shopify. Shopify should be treated as the source of truth for product information. We never delete products from the PeopleVox.

Products must have both a unique SKUs and Barcodes; it is on the customer to maintain these in Shopify.

The customer can validate thier products using Pimsical and will get an email about any product issues, by triggering product validation in our website.

Products are synchronised as a soon as Shopify notify us about the change.

Product enrichments are updated in PeopleVox, periodically when they are changed in Shopify, if the customer has enabled the sync on the website.


Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Item types.


PeopleVox FieldShopify FieldExplainer
ItemCodevariant.skuThe SKU of the product variant in Shopify.
ExternalIdvariant.idThe Shopify ID of the product variant.
Attribute1variant.idThe Shopify ID of the product variant.
Attribute2variant.product_idThe Shopify ID of the product. The parent of the product variant.
Attribute4product.productCategory.productTaxonomyNode.nameThe product category of the parent product in Shopify. Part of product enrichments.
Attribute5product.product_typeThe product type of the parent product in Shopify.
Nameproduct.title OR variant.title/sku - product.titleThe product title if there aren't any variants. Or the variant title or SKU and the title of the product.
Barcodevariant.barcodeThe product variant barcode.
Descriptionproduct.body_htmlThe product body for display on a website.
ItemGroupproduct.titleThe product title, which will be the overall title for all variants.
Weightvariant.weightThe weight of the product variant.
TaxCodevariant.tax_codeThe tax code of the product variant.
WeightMeasurevariant.weight_unitThe units of weight of the product variant.
RetailPricevariant.priceThe product variants price.
Tagsproduct.tagsThe tags of the parent product.
HSCodeinventory_items.harmonized_system_codeThe harmonised system code of the parent product. Part of product enrichments.
CountryOfOrigininventory_items.country_code_of_originThe country code of origin of the parent product. Part of product enrichments.


We support syncing orders from Shopify into PeopleVox. This is done whenever orders are paid, updated or cancelled in Shopify. Shopify should be treated as the source of truth for order information. We never delete orders from the PeopleVox.

Orders are synchronised as a soon as Shopify notify us about the change.


Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Sales orders.
Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Sales order items.


Sale Order
PeopleVox FieldShopify FieldExplainer
SalesOrderNumberorder.name OR order.idThe Shopify # order number or Shopify order id
CustomerPurchaseOrderReferenceNumberorder.name OR order.idThe Shopify # order number or Shopify order id
ShippingAddressCompanyNameorder.shipping_address.companyThe company provided on the orders shipping address
ShippingAddressLine1order.shipping_address.address1The first line of the address provided on the orders shipping address
ShippingAddressLine2order.shipping_address.address2The second line of the address provided on the orders shipping address
ShippingAddressCityorder.shipping_address.cityThe city provided on the orders shipping address
ShippingAddressRegionorder.shipping_address.provinceThe county provided on the orders shipping address
ShippingAddressPostcodeorder.shipping_address.zipThe zip/postal code provided on the orders shipping address
ShippingAddressCountryorder.shipping_address.countryThe country provided on the orders shipping address
InvoiceAddressCompanyNameorder.billing_address.companyThe company provided on the orders billing address
InvoiceAddressLine1order.billing_address.address1The first line of the address provided on the orders billing address
InvoiceAddressLine2order.billing_address.address2The second line of the address provided on the orders billing address
InvoiceAddressCityorder.billing_address.cityThe city provided on the orders billing address
InvoiceAddressRegionorder.billing_address.provinceThe county provided on the orders billing address
InvoiceAddressPostcodeorder.billing_address.zipThe zip/postal code provided on the orders billing address
InvoiceAddressCountryorder.billing_address.countryThe country provided on the orders billing address
Emailorder.emailThe email address provided with the order
ContactNameorder.customer.first_name AND order.customer.last_nameThe customers first and last name
TotalSaleorder.total_priceThe total price of the order
Discountorder.total_discountsThe total amount of discounts applied to the order
TaxPaidorder.total_taxThe total tax value on the order
ShippingCostorder.total_shipping_price_set.shop_money.amountThe price of shipping
CreatedDateorder.created_atThe date the order was created
PaymentMethodorder.payment_gateway_namesThe payment methods used combined with an ambersand
Currencyorder.currencyThe currency the order was placed in
ChannelNameorder.source_nameWhere the order was placed from
Site'TestSite' OR 'PrimarySite'Which PeopleVox site to assign the order to, if the order is a test order in Shopify it will be sent to the TestSite. If the customer has set to use the TestSite we will send orders to only the TestSite.
RequestedDeliveryDateorder.created_atThe date the order was created
Status'Cancelled' OR ''If the order was cancelled or empty
ServiceTypeorder.shipping_lines.[0].codeThe code of the first shipping line used
Attribute1order.idThe Shopify id of the order
Attribute2storeID,The Shopify admin url where the order came from e.g. store.myshopify.com
Attribute3order.tagsAny tags on the order
Attribute4order.noteAny notes on the order
Attribute5item.order.shipping_address.phoneAny shipping phone number
Sale Order Items
PeopleVox FieldShopify FieldExplainer
SalesOrderNumberorder.name OR order.idThe Shopify # order number or Shopify order id
ItemCodeline.skuThe SKU of the line item
QuantityOrderedline.quantityThe Quantity ordered of the line item
Lineline.idThe Shopify line-item id
SequenceindexThe position of the line item in the order
SalePriceline.priceThe price of the line
RequestedDeliveryDateorder.created_atThe date the order was created


We support syncing despatches from PeopleVox into Shopify. This is done whenever a despatch is created or tracking information is added. PeopleVox should be treated as the source of truth for despatch information. We will not fulfil any previously fully fulfilled lines in Shopify. An order can have multiple fulfilments.

We need the Carriers and Service Types to be set up to support tracking information. This is a manual process the customer will need to complete.

Despatches are synchronised as a soon as PeopleVox notify us about the change, this is usually 2 - 5 minutes.


Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Despatches.
Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Carriers.
Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Service types.


PeopleVox FieldShopify FieldExplainer
N/Alocation_idThe Shopify location configured by the customer in Pimsical
TrackingNumbertracking_numberThe tracking number provided on the despatch
Despatch.Carrier.Reference OR Despatch.Carrier.Nametracking_companyThe name of the carrier used to deliver the order
Despatch.ServiceType.Name OR Despatch.ServiceType.CodeN/AThe name of the service type used to deliver the order
Despatch.Picks.SalesOrder.SalesOrderNumberN/AThe friendly order name/number
Despatch.Picks.SalesOrder.Attribute1order.idThe Shopify id for the order
Despatch.Picks.SalesOrder.Attribute2N/AThe Shopify store for the order
Despatch.DespatchNumberN/AThe PeopleVox despatch number
DespatchItems.ItemType.ItemCodeline_items.skuWe look up the line items from Shopify to fulfil based on the SKUs from PeopleVox
DespatchItems.Quantityline_items.quantityWe will fulfil the provided quantity.


We support syncing inventory from PeopleVox into Shopify. This is done whenever an inventory level changes. PeopleVox should be treated as the source of truth for inventory levels.

Inventory is synced as a soon as PeopleVox notify us about the change, this is usually 2 - 5 minutes.


These fields are from the Item types.

PeopleVox FieldShopify FieldExplainer
N/Alocation_idThe Shopify location configured by the customer in Pimsical
Attribute1variant.idThe Shopify id for the product variant
Availableinventory_levelThe amount of inventory available for sale

Purchase Orders

We support syncing Purchase Orders from Inventory Planner into PeopleVox. This is done once a day at 2pm UTC when the customer enables this integration. Inventory Planner should be treated as the source of truth for purchase orders. We never delete purchase orders from the PeopleVox.

Purchase orders must have SKUs that are already on Item types, it is on the customer to ensure the products exist.

We also synchronise Goods Received from PeopleVox into Inventory Planner. We will only receive SKUs that are on the purchase order. This is done as a soon as PeopleVox notify us about the change, this is usually 2 - 5 minutes.

We will also take any suppliers from the purchase orders and add them to the list of Suppliers in PeopleVox.


Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Suppliers.
Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Purchase orders.
Download the following file, click 'Configure' on Integration Template for Purchase order items.


Purchase Orders
PeopleVox FieldInventory Planner FieldExplainer
PurchaseOrderNumberorder.reference/order.idThe Inventory Planner reference and id for the purchase order
Status'Cancelled' OR ''If the purchase order has been Cancelled in Inventory Planner
Referenceorder.idThe Inventory Planner reference for the purchase order
SupplierReferenceorder.sourceThe Inventory Planner source for the purchase order
RequestedDeliveryDateorder.created_dateThe date the purchase order was created
SubmittedDateorder.created_dateThe date the purchase order was created
ExpectedDeliveryDateorder.expected_dateThe date the purchase order is expected
EndDateorder.received_dateThe date the purchase order was received
Site'TestSite' OR 'PrimarySite'If the customer has set to use the TestSite we will send orders to only the TestSite.
Purchase Order Line Items
PeopleVox FieldInventory Planner FieldExplainer
PurchaseOrderNumberorder.reference/order.idThe Inventory Planner reference and id for the purchase order
ItemCodeline.skuThe SKU for the line item on the purchase order
Quantityline.replenishmentThe quantity of the item on the purchase order
Lineline.idThe Inventory Planner id for the line
SequenceindexThe position of the line
CostPriceline.cost_priceThe cost price of the line
ExpectedDeliveryDateorder.expected_dateThe date the purchase order is expected
RequestedDeliveryDateorder.created_dateThe date the purchase order was created
PeopleVox FieldInventory Planner FieldExplainer
Nameorder.sourceThe Inventory Planner source for the purchase order
Referenceorder.sourceThe Inventory Planner source for the purchase order
Goods Recieved
PeopleVox FieldInventory Planner FieldExplainer
Consignments.ConsignmentItemTypes.Consignment.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderReferenceorder.idThe Inventory Planner id for the purchase order
Consignments.ConsignmentItemTypes.Quantityitems.quantityThe quantities recieved in PeopleVox
Consignments.ConsignmentItemTypes.ItemType.ItemCodeitemsThe SKU of the recieved items, we use this to look up the id of the line from Inventory Planner