Peak Sales Periods

I'm sure you've been through a peak sale period, the highs of all the sales, the stress of making sure everything is ready to go.It’s an exciting but nerve-wracking time.

It's also a critical time for your business, so it's critical to us too.

Today we are introducing a new feature to help your sale periods run smoothly. Introducing Peak Mode!

Using peak mode means that Pimsical will adjust to slow the speed of orders to the warehouse, allowing the warehouse to cope with your sale.

To help to try reduce the possibility of oversells, we will only sync inventory when there has been a significant change to product inventory, for example receiving goods or manual adjustments.

In business as usual (BAU), we synchronise inventory whenever an order is allocated in your warehouse along with any other inventory changes, allowing us to synchronise inventory to Shopify regularly and keep stock levels as up to date as we can. However in peak mode, we will not sync inventory when orders are allocated or despatched, only when there is an inventory change for example receiving goods or adjustments.

To enable this setting, please enable the configuration in your Pimsical Settings